MA Commercial Listings Welcome to Massachusetts!

Worcester Area Commercial Properties for Lease & Sale

Worcester Commercial Real Estate Listings

Are you looking for information about commercial real estate in Worcester, MA? Boston City Properties is here to help! Our huge online database of Massachusetts real estate listings includes constantly updated listings for commercial properties in and around Worcester. If you are already experienced with commercial real estate investing, you'll love how easy it is to zero in on promising opportunities through our search tool. If you are new to commercial real estate investing, we can provide you with the resources and assistance that you need to have a positive and effective experience.

About Worcester Commercial Real Estate

Located in central Massachusetts, Worcester itself has a population of around 181,000, and the metro region has a population of more than 923,000. The economy and job market here are both quite robust, and there is an eclectic array of businesses around the region. Biotech and tech firms have exploded lately, so there is lots of growth and potential in the market. Regardless of what your long-term investment goals may be, you're sure to find plenty to like about commercial real estate in this part of the state.

Of course, you may have been told that your best bet is to stick with commercial properties in major metro regions like Boston. While there are lots of advantages to investing in properties in such areas, there are plenty of downsides too. One of the best examples is the sheer amount of competition that you will face while trying to secure the best properties. By focusing on Worcester instead, you will have less competition. Prices tend to be much more affordable as well, so if your budget isn't high enough for the big city, you don't have to give up on investing entirely.

Benefits of Commercial Real Estate Investing

Investors who start out with residential real estate often fall into ruts. Oftentimes, they are too intimidated to branch out into commercial real estate investing. That's a shame, because in Worcester and throughout Massachusetts, there are many exciting commercial real estate investment opportunities.

Some advantages of investing in commercial real estate in Worcester and elsewhere include:

• More Dependable Tenants - Let's face it: Tenants in residential properties aren't always very reliable. All too often, they sign one-year leases and then move on. Turnover rates can be quite high. These aren't really issues with commercial real estate, as tenants typically sign long leases--even up to 10 years in length--and they tend to take much better care of their properties.
• Improved Income Potential - The average annual rate of return on a residential real estate investment is around 1 to 4 percent of the purchase price. That's well and good, but commercial real estate is even better. The average annual return is anywhere from 6 to 12 percent.
• Less Hassle - Generally speaking, you will have less to deal with when you own a commercial property--at least in terms of when tenants will reach out to you. After all, these are businesses, and most of them close during the night. Additionally, LLCs typically take care of the day-to-day operations at commercial properties, so you won't have to be nearly as hands-on as you otherwise would.

About Worcester Commercial Real Estate

When it comes to being successful with commercial real estate investing, it pays to have as much information as possible. If you are already familiar with the greater Worcester area, you probably already know which areas you'd like to focus on. However, if you are relatively unversed about Worcester in general and its commercial real estate market specifically, you may feel pretty lost.

You don't have to know the Worcester commercial real estate market like the back of your hand to be successful. Boston City Properties has connections with many experienced commercial real estate professionals in the area, and we can put you in touch with one when you are ready to proceed. They will take your short- and long-term investment goals into consideration to help you zero in on the most relevant opportunities in the area, which will save you a lot of time and hassle.

Tips for Successful Commercial Real Estate Investing

If you are already a veteran of commercial real estate investing, you will still benefit enormously from connecting with Boston City Properties. If you are a relative newcomer to this type of investing, however, you will really need to avail yourself of as many resources as possible. We are here to provide guidance and advice about this type of real estate, and we can also connect you with other experts who can help.

In the meantime, here are our top tips for being successful in your Worcester commercial real estate investing venture:

• Learn How to Identify Good Opportunities - The factors that you look at to identify promising residential properties differ greatly from those that matter when it comes to commercial real estate. Such factors, including cap rates and net operating income, involve complex financial calculations that can be very intimidating to the uninitiated. However, with a little training and research, you can get up to speed.
• Be Patient - The last thing that you want to do when engaging in commercial real estate investing is to rush through the process. You should especially take your time while looking for the right property. Although access to our database makes it easy to find viable options, you still need to perform a lot more research before making a decision. Our team can help, and we can also connect you with commercial real estate experts in the area who can help too.
• Figure Out Financing Early - It's easy to get ahead of yourself when looking for commercial properties to invest in. Before you really start searching, get a handle on your financing situation. Down payments for commercial real estate transactions tend to be larger than those for residential transactions, so that may affect your ability to secure certain properties. By figuring out the numbers beforehand, you should experience fewer bumps along the way.
• Look Ahead - As with any real estate transaction, the list price for a piece of commercial property is just the tip of the iceberg. It is crucial to determine if any major updates or repairs will be due on the building in the near future, as these will chip away at your profits. Get a firm handle on how much you can expect to spend on this kind of work before moving forward with any deal.

How Boston City Properties Can Help

Regardless of your level of experience with investing in commercial real estate, it never hurts to have access to as many resources as possible. By connecting with Boston City Properties, you will gain a powerful ally in your search for the right commercial properties in the Worcester area. When you complete and submit a simple signup form, you'll get instant, free, unlimited access to our searchable real estate listings. Select Worcester or a town or city in the area on which to focus your search, and use filters to narrow things down even more.

Our connections with experienced commercial real estate agents in Worcester will come in handy for you too. When you're ready, contact us, and we will connect you with someone who can help you to achieve your commercial real estate investing goals. From getting answers to questions that you have about various properties to assisting you through negotiations and closing, their assistance should prove to be invaluable. Before you know it, you will be the proud owner of a lucrative piece of commercial real estate. For more info, call Boston City Properties today.


Worcester Commercial Real Estate Market in 2017