MA Commercial Listings Welcome to Massachusetts!

North Shore Area Commercial Properties for Lease & Sale

North Shore Commercial Real Estate Listings

Finding prime commercial real estate in the North Shore of Massachusetts doesn't have to be difficult. All too often, investors make the process more difficult for themselves than they need to. In particular, they often fail to secure the right resources prior to launching their search. If you want to invest in an office building or another piece of commercial real estate in the North Shore, let Boston City Properties lend a hand. Between our convenient, searchable real estate listings and our connections with local commercial real estate agents around the region, we can help you achieve your goals quickly and easily.

About North Shore Commercial Real Estate

The North Shore encompasses a fairly large geographical region, including the Merrimack Valley. Stretching as it does along the Atlantic Coast between Boston and New Hampshire, the North Shore is dotted with several towns and cities. Chief among them are Salem, Gloucester, Newbury, Revere and Danvers. Within these and other communities, you will find a wide array of exciting commercial real estate investment opportunities. The question, however, is which ones are right for you? With our help, you will be able to figure that out in no time.

Before delving into more particulars about commercial real estate investing, you may be wondering why you'd want to focus your efforts on the North Shore in the first place. Then again, you may have already set your sights on this region for one reason or another. If not, don't be tricked into thinking that you're better off sticking with Greater Boston. The truth is that so many investors focus on the big city that they overlook many prime opportunities elsewhere in the state. It could very well be that the perfect investment opportunity awaits you in one of the many thriving communities in this expansive region.

Benefits of Commercial Real Estate Investing

If you are already a seasoned commercial real estate investor, you don't need to be convinced of the merits of investing in commercial properties. If you are on the fence about moving into this area of investing, however, here are some of the top advantages of doing so:

• Limited Hours of Operation - The vast majority of commercial properties are only open part of the time--not around the clock like single-family homes and other residential properties. As a result, you will mostly have to deal with the property during regular business hours and are unlikely to receive urgent calls late at night or at other inconvenient times.
• Terrific Income Potential - The average annual return off of the purchase price of a piece of commercial real estate falls between 6 and 12 percent. Meanwhile, the return for residential real estate investments tends to fall closer to 1 to 4 percent. Rental rates tend to be much higher, of course, and you will typically have more tenants in a commercial real estate setting.
• Stable Tenants - One of the biggest drawbacks of investing in single-family properties is that tenants are often flaky at best. Lease terms average around one year, so you tend to have a lot of turnover. The exact opposite is typically true with regards to commercial real estate, as leases tend to be for much longer periods of time, and tenants tend to want to stay put. When the economy is strong like it is right now in the North Shore, tenants are especially stable and reliable.

About the North Shore Commercial Real Estate Market

The commercial real estate market in Massachusetts' North Shore region is strong. Merrimack Valley and Essex County in general are home to many major corporations as well as to a nice mix of businesses. Thanks to its proximity to Greater Boston, this is an excellent area to find prime pieces of commercial real estate that may be a little more affordable than what you would find in the city. Also, competition tends to be less extreme in this part of the state as opposed to most parts of Boston.

Commercial Real Estate Investing Advice

If you are a newcomer to the world of commercial real estate investing, don't rush full steam ahead. Take your time to learn the basics to increase the odds of having a positive first experience. Some tips to keep in mind regarding commercial real estate investing include:

• Be Patient - Take a slow, measured approach to investing in commercial real estate. This rule applies to seasoned investors as well as newbies. It is crucial to do plenty of research, to crunch plenty of numbers and to otherwise lay the groundwork for a successful investment.
• Get Educated - If you have never invested in commercial real estate, you'll need to get up to speed about concepts like net operating income if you want to identify the most lucrative opportunities. If possible, find someone to mentor you. Boston City Properties is here to provide guidance as needed too, and we can also connect you with experienced commercial real estate professionals in the North Shore.
• Establish a Niche - Don't assume that you already know which types of commercial real estate will suit you the best. Keep an open mind and explore plenty of different types, including hotels, multifamily properties and warehouses. Eventually, you will figure out which category helps you to achieve your goals the most effectively.

How Boston City Properties Can Help

At Boston City Properties, we love nothing better than helping investors and others make strategic, effective real estate investing and purchasing decisions. To facilitate this, we maintain one of the most comprehensive online databases of MA real estate listings around, including constantly updated commercial real estate listings for office buildings, retail stores, warehouses and other properties around the North Shore. We will give you free access to it right away; all that you have to do is complete a quick and easy form on our website.

Once you've gained access, select the North Shore towns or cities where you would like to focus your search. You can also use search filters to narrow things down by a variety of attributes. In no time, you will have a list of promising commercial real estate properties to explore.

We are pleased to have connections with skilled, experienced commercial real estate agents throughout the North Shore, Essex County and the Merrimack Valley, including in communities like Newbury, Beverly, Salem and Revere. If you need any assistance with investing in commercial real estate in North Shore, we can put you in touch with an agent who can lend a hand. Our team is also here to help answer any questions that you may have along the way. By availing yourself of these resources, you are sure to find that investing in commercial properties is less stressful that you had expected. For more information, call Boston City Properties today.